© Joana Rodrigues \ Masha Pyatkova, na sua criação B…issues, apresentada na
Mostra de Jovens Criadores 2019


Centro Coreográfico


Fundada em 1999 por Ana Figueira, ao longo de cerca de 10 anos a Instável deu-se a conhecer através dos projetos de Companhia: em cada ano, um coreógrafo conceituado seleciona bailarinos em audição e cria uma nova peça em residência, para depois estrear e circular tanto quanto possível. Com a mudança para o Teatro do Campo Alegre, em 2011, a Instável amplia e consolida o seu trabalho, dando início ao seu caráter de Centro Coreográfico.

de Joana Couto

Como é que se desconstrói o indivíduo informado cultural e socialmente, depois de entrar no loop das suas próprias cegas convicções? Urna é a oportunidade não aproveitada, perdida para sempre num não-tempo longínquo. É a perda de perguntas significativas e a obsessão por respostas tranquilizadoras e efémeras. Urna é o que sobra depois da curiosidade, que se torna opressão, que cede lugar ao cacófonico redundante, que por sua vez cede o lugar ao absurdo, que cede o lugar ao vazio, que cede o lugar a novas possibilidades, que geram outras curiosidades. E assim por diante para sempre. O que sobra é um loop; movimentos, palavras, símbolos esvaziados de significado, repetem-se até ao ridículo para podermos refletir acerca da urgência de reduzir (ou elevar?) o ser humano à besta rendida.

2025, February
FEB 19

3rd Coriolis Meeting / Regenerate the present, reinvent the future

The 3rd Coriolis Meeting is an invitation to action and collective reflection. Through hands-on workshops, inspiring talks, and dynamic discussion panels, we will explore regenerative practices that foster the resilience of territories and communities.

FEB 22

Lowlands / Helder Seabra

An area where the land is close to or below sea level is called the lowlands. Lowlands also refers to Freud's theory, which likens the mind to an iceberg—it floats with one-seventh of its volume above water, the only visible part.


Instável's Production Course / Night classes

Participants will have the opportunity to plan and implement management, production, communication and financing strategies within the scope of Performing Arts, namely in the areas of theater and dance, offering trainees tools for integration into a professional context.


PULSO / Support and Mentoring for Choreographers

In five months of work, PULSO aims to improve the development and production capabilities of creators and artists with projects in the creation phase. In a training and incentive model, the program aims to generate new skills through continuous work, based on training sessions of different natures.

2025, March
MAR 28 AND 29

ELEGIA / Elisabete Magalhães

Elegia is a choreographic project that is inspired by the homonymous literary genre to explore the autobiographical body and its intersections with the unrest of today's world.

MAR 28 AND 29

A SENSE OF / Beatriz Lourenço

In A SENSE OF the audience is invited to co-create a space, where collective power and dreaming are used as modes of protest.

2025, April
APR 30

TAKE / New Creation by São Castro and António M Cabrita for Companhia Instável

When we think of sound, the first image is that of invisible waves traveling through the air, captured by our ears and interpreted by our brains. But beyond its auditory dimension, sound has weight, movement and strength. Sound has a story in itself and the body incessantly searches for a story.

2025, September
SEP 17

Rubble King / Duarte Valadares

Rubble King introduces a short attention span, an investigative creature of the archetype. An entity in a sandbox, a place of unlimited information, an excessively productive circuit looking for archetypes to feed on. Various states through shifting attention and dodging the conclusion, a rational ridicule.

2025, October
OCT 18

It’s a Long Yesterday / Carminda Soares and Maria R. Soares

One or two bodies, six at most. It's a long yesterday is an exercise in desire, fracture and multiplication.

OCT 23

Krakatoa / Sara Santervás

Krakatoa, emerges as the political need to scenically address a social occupation: breaking the public silence around suicide.