© José Caldeira / “What if…” by Daniela Cruz, interpreted by Ángela Dias Quintela, Palcos Instáveis // © Tijmen Teunissen / “Acima de Tudo”, by Catarina Ribeiro, Keren-or Ben Shachar and Sara Miguelote, Palcos Instáveis // © João Octávio Peixoto / “Na ausência da ternura”, by Juliana Fernandes and Victor Gomes
Palcos Instáveis
Palcos Instáveis is a project directed for contemporary dance makers in Porto and the northern region of Portugal, which encourages the development and presentation of choreographic projects, selected by open call.
The creators integrated in this project have the possibility of being accommodated in a residency at Instável – Choreographic Centre. They will be given a grant for creative purposes, artistic counselling, production and advertising support, and they integrate a monthly cycle of presentations called “Palcos Instáveis/1as Obras” (which translates to “Unstable Stages/1st Works”) at the Municipal Theatre – Campo Alegre, who coproduces the project.

At the essence of Palcos Instáveis creation in 2012, there was the will to provoke and promote emergent dance making, leading Instável to create space and opportunities both for makers with some work already developed in the area (Palcos Instáveis), and also for very fresh and new makers who are starting their first creations (1as Obras).
Palcos Instáveis allows the creation and presentation of new works that offer the city the possibility of contacting emerging choreographic languages. Throughout these 10 years of continuous work, over 100 works have been presented in this cycle, amongst which many creators have since become quite established in the artistic scene both nationally and internationally.