Fotografia de José Caldeira/TMP / “It’s a long yesterday”, by Carminda Soares and Maria R. Soares, Palcos Instáveis

It’s a Long Yesterday
Carminda Soares and Maria R. Soares
Palcos Instáveis Segunda Casa / Coproduction with Teatro Municipal do Porto.

One or two bodies, six at most. It’s a long yesterday is an exercise in desire, fracture and multiplication.

For this project – as creators and interpreters of it – we are driven by the personal and intimate purpose of working on our condition as twin sisters – and what this represents for us – as a research tool to reflect on the potential of an imprecise body because multiple. Therefore, we start from a concept that is always present in our biographical universe – similarity. A dubious concept in itself, since what is similar is neither the same nor different, but is placed in an intermediate space between the two opposites. Similarity is nothing more than a space of indefiniteness, of anonymity, and therefore, a place of openness to multiple meanings and meanings. “It’s a long yesterday” is located in that intermediate place: between the same and the different, between the one and the multiple, between a gesture of love and a gesture of hate.


Carminda Soares is a dancer and creator. She has worked with Victor Hugo Pontes, Eduardo Torroja, Sarah Friedland, Ballet Contemporâneo do Norte, Catarina Miranda, Marianela Boán, Gonçalo Lamas, among others. As a creator she highlights “It’s a long yesterday,” created in partnership with Maria R. Soares; her solo project “Light on Light”; and “Simulacro” in partnership with Margarita Montenÿ.


Maria R. Soares is a dancer and creator. She has collaborated with Victor Hugo Pontes, Lara Russo, Sarah Friedland, Catarina Miranda, Marianela Boán, Ballet Contemporâneo do Norte among others. As a creator she has presented “It’s a long yesterday,” in collaboration with Carminda Soares; “O meu velho diz que morre”, a project inspired by Portuguese folklore with the participation of Grupo Folclórico da Corredoura and Sociedade Musical de Guimarães; and “VOID VOID VOID,” a choreographic and sound performance in collaboration with Antonio Marotta.


Dance / M6 – 50 minutos


Next presentations:

(postponed) / Casa da Cultura Teatro Stephens, Marinha Grande


Past presentations:

Dec 9 2023 / Teatro Ribeiro Conceição, Lamego

Apr 27 2023 / A Cidade Dança: Ciclo “Alternativa à 5inta”, Paços da Cultura, São João da Madeira

Oct 29 2022 / Favo das Artes, Mondim de Basto

25 jun 2022 / Vale D’artes, Vale de Cambra

Jun 22 2022 / Theatro Circo, Braga

Apr 21 2022 / Cineteatro Alba, Albergaria-a-Velha

Apr 1 2022 / Teatrocine de Torres Vedras

Mar 31 2021 / Teatro Campo Alegre

Created and interpreted by: Carminda Soares e Maria R. Soares

Original music by: Antonio Marotta

Stage video by: Alberto Seixas

External look: Cristina Planas Leitão, Lara Russo, Rogério Nuno Costa, Susana Otero

Coproduction: Instável – Centro Coreográfico e Teatro Municipal do Porto

Financial support: República Portuguesa – Cultura | DGARTES – Direção Geral das Artes

Residency support: Instável – Centro Coreográfico (PT); Visões Úteis (PT); TUP – Teatro Universitário do Porto (PT); CRL – Central Elétrica (PT); Associazione Culturale Alchemilla (IT)

Instável is supported by the Portuguese Republic – Culture/Direction-General of the Arts.