"Simulacro" is an exercise in intimacy, repetition and resistance. Two bodies in continuous action explore the limits of their proximity through the degenerative nature of the gesture.
This is the first piece in a trilogy around the questioning of the concepts of strangeness examined by Mark Fisher in The Weird and the Eerie. These are two terms that are difficult to translate into Portuguese: weird (strange) and eerie (unsettling).
Choreographing the invisible, destroy the cycles: now you see me, now you don't, you disappear inside me, I disappear inside you - you who are seeing me. We find in-between spaces: un-looking, un-formatting, projecting desires, nightmares, dust.
“The search for a line that finds us, an absence that once seemed tender to us and that today remains with us like the distorted trail of memory.”
Partindo da ideia de transgressão, “Trespass” procura encontrar o chão comum e ao mesmo tempo a polaridade humana entre o “bem” e o “mal”, explorando formas de humanizar o demoníaco e visceralizar o Humano. Procura o conflito e a paz, a sedução e o grotesco, a perfeição e o erro.
BOWND focuses its research on movement from the universe of Boundaries (individual boundaries). Own, Bond (connection), Bound (limit and leap) are key words on a path towards the construction of the limits of the human being and towards a clearer awareness and expression of who we are and who we are not, discovered only in relationship with the other.
Inspired by Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Notes from Underground, we observe a more physical adaptation of this intense man.
João Oliveira, was the creator selected by the LAB 2 Aveiro jury to be part of the presentation cycle Palcos Insáveis Segunda Casa at Teatro Aveirense.
“Je t’aime” is a piece that puts the empathetic body and the loving relationship in evidence. Dance as an exchange of energy between two bodies. A ritual as the end point of a relationship. A moment of catharsis for two. How to build and coexist without losing its natural and essential individuality?
Rubble King introduz um curto período de atenção, uma criatura investigadora do arquétipo. Uma entidade numa sandbox, um local de informação ilimitada, um circuito excessivamente produtivo à procura de arquétipos com que se alimentar. Vários estados através da mudança de atenção e esquivando-se da conclusão, um ridículo racional.