© Joana Rodrigues / “Timber”, by Roberto Olivan

Roberto Olivan
Created for Companhia Instável by Roberto Olivan, with music by Drumming GP

TIMBER is a journey into the depths of our existence, a visit to every corner we have abandoned out of fear, ignorance, or neglect of ourselves. A personal disconnection from what binds us to our one and only authentic nature.

TIMBER is a ritual, longing for an urgent response to the self-destruction we have built over the years. The premises and values we once considered valid indicators of progress are worthless. The rhythm pounding repetitively on the wood creates a hypnotic trance, symbolizing the desire to break the barriers that limit human beings—diving into the freedom that each one perceives in their own way, waving their own flag.

TIMBER is a final attempt to reclaim our connection with the living world, which follows its own dynamics dictated by light and darkness, day and night, by time, which has its own rhythm—beyond our control. Accept or perish. Enter or leave. Integrate or divide.


In the words of Liliana Oliveira (dancer in TIMBER):

My heart leaped, sliding across the floor, always falling, never returning to its place. You grasped my hair and twisted your fingers, weaving them through my curls, your foot resting on my lap. And the intertwining blood made him an emperor, sweating white with the blond that gleamed like the gold once summoned by the pyramids.

The destiny that shapes the heart is not meant to be trained like an ogre with a large nose, pelvis thrust toward me—I relish the movement with pleasure. Salsa is both food and dance, but I am Spanish, and the terror that appears in your eyes reveals a smile that separates monks from the church. Black darkens the day, and the mechanics that make the car run remain alive in the painted-nail hair spinning like a wheel that turns endlessly.


Making off, YouTube:

Teaser, YouTube: 

Roberto Olivan

Founder of ROPA – Roberto Olivan Performing Arts – and artistic director and founder of the Deltebre Dansa Festival, the Catalan choreographer began his training at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona and at P.A.R.T.S in Brussels. He took his first steps as a professional performer with the Rosas Dance Company, directed by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, and danced under the direction of Robert Wilson, Tom Jansen, and Josse de Pauw, among others. With several awards and nominations to his name, Roberto Olivan currently works as a choreographer for various projects and teaches workshops worldwide. He is also active as a choreographer and performer in the film industry, in addition to being part of the artistic direction of major cultural events and serving as a judge in dance competitions.


Dance / M12 – 60 min


Past presentations

Apr 13 2024 / Cineteatro António Lamoso, Santa Maria da Feira

Sep 23 2023 / Cine-Teatro Avenida, Castelo Branco

Apr 29 2023 / Auditório Municipal do Fórum Cultural do Seixal

Feb 24 2023 / Auditório de Espinho | Academia

Sep 24 2022 / Teatro Aveirense

Sep 21 2022 / Teatro Municipal de Vila Real

Jun 20 2021 / 10th Aniversary of Timber, Bang on a Can, New York (online)

Nov 27 2020 / Teatro Viriato, Viseu

Nov 8 2019 / Theatro Circo, Braga

Direction: Roberto Olivan

Rehearsal assistant: Cátia Esteves

Created and interpreted by – premiere:  Cola Ho, Ilan Gratini, Joana Couto, Lara Serpi, Liliana Oliveira, Ricardo Machado, Mariana Pereira (intern) 

Created and interpreted by – tour: João Cardoso, Joana Couto/Vanessa Cunha, Liliana Garcia/Mafalda Cardoso, Liliana Oliveira, Ricardo Machado, Sara Garcia

Music: Michael Gordon

Musical direction: Miquel Bernat

Light design: Ricardo Alves

Costumes: Pedro Azevedo

Musical interpretation: Drumming Grupo de Percussão: André Dias, Daniel Araújo, João Miguel Simões, Jorge Pereira, Miquel Bernat, Pedro Góis

Sound design: Süse Ribeiro

Production: Companhia Instável

Executive production: Rita Santos

Coproduction: Theatro Circo

Support: Mostra Espanha 2019, Embaixada de Espanha em Lisboa, I-Portunus

Companhia Instável is supported by República Portuguesa – Cultura / Direção- Geral das Artes and by the program “Bolsas para a formação Fundação GDA”.