© Cati Cardoso / “TAKE”, by São Castro and António M Cabrita for Companhia Instável / interpreted by Beatriz Mira, Catarina Casqueiro, Francisco Ferreira, Joana Couto and Nuno Velosa

New Creation by São Castro and António M Cabrita for Companhia Instável
Coproduction with Teatro Municipal do Porto and Teatro Aveirense

When we think of sound, the first image is that of invisible waves traveling through the air, captured by our ears and interpreted by our brains. But beyond its auditory dimension, sound has weight, movement and strength. A physical force that goes beyond hearing itself and acts on the body, which receives and reacts to its vibrations, a tangible presence in the space that surrounds us.

In this choreographic piece, sound was designed in a cinematographic context, as a narrative tool, evoking stories, reinforcing contexts and activating observation perspectives. Sound design, as it is technically defined in cinema, is the driving element of the relationship between bodies and the scenic space, establishing a dramaturgical atmosphere, supported by a choreographic plot.

The choreographic structure composed of “takes”, defined as frames of the moment, combine reality and fiction, extending the physical space in which action and sound occur, creating dialogues between what is heard and what is seen – or not you see.

The light, like a camera lens, highlights the intended and ideal framing for reading the scene, creating, together with the sound, an immersive perception matrix, bringing the audience closer to the action.

Sound has a story in itself and the body incessantly searches for a story.



São Castro

São Castro began her dance training at Balleteatro Escola Profissional de Dança e de Teatro do Porto. In 2002, she completed her degree in Dance at the Escola Superior de Dança, IPL. Since then, she has worked with choreographers such as Né Barros, Isabel Barros, Rui Lopes Graça, Benvindo Fonseca, Sofia Silva, Vasco Wellenkamp, Paulo Ribeiro, Olga Roriz, Clara Andermatt, André Mesquita, Tânia Carvalho, Luís Marrafa, Hofesh Shechter/Companhia Instável, among others. She was a performer at Balleteatro Companhia, Companhia Portuguesa de Bailado Contemporâneo and Ballet Gulbenkian. In 2009, she started to choreograph, with the creation of the solo aTempo, and, in the following years, choreographed for Companhia de Dança do Algarve, for the National Conservatory Dance School, Quorum Project and Almada Dance Company. Since 2011, she has developed an artistic collaboration with choreographer and dancer António M Cabrita. In 2015, the two choreographers were distinguished with the Autores Award – Best Choreography, with the piece Play False, by Soc. Portuguesa de Autores. The duo was nominated in years following. Some of her pieces were considered by the newspaper Público as one of the best dance shows of the year. In 2016, she was distinguished by Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa with the Silver Medal of Valor and Distinction. In 2017, São Castro and António M Cabrita created Dido and Eneias for the National Ballet Company. She was, together with António M Cabrita, artistic director of Companhia Paulo Ribeiro, between January 2017 and December 2021. Since 2019, she has been invited by the Municipality of São João da Madeira to take over the programming of the event A CIDADE DANÇA. She is currently attending a Master in Choreographic Creation and Professional Practices at Escola Superior de Dança, IPL.


António M Cabrita

With a degree from Escola Superior de Dança, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, António M Cabrita also trained at the Escola de Dança do Conservatório Nacional and studied Dance at the Joffrey Ballet School, in New York. Parallel to his training in Dance, he took the Cinema course at the New York Film Academy, and the Advertising Creativity course at Restart, Lisbon. As a dancer, he has worked with choreographers such as Rui Horta/Companhia Instável, Né Barros, Silke Z., António Tavares, Tânia Carvalho, Ana Rita Barata, Pedro Ramos, Felix Lozano, Paulo Ribeiro and Luís Marrafa, among others. Between 2007 and 2015, he was artist in residence at the German company SilkeZ./Resistdance. He started to choreograph in 2009, with the creation of the To Fail project. Since 2011, he has developed an artistic collaboration with choreographer and dancer São Castro. In 2015, the two choreographers were distinguished with the Autores Award – Best Choreography with the piece Play False, by the Portuguese Society of Authors, and nominated in subsequent years. Some of his pieces were considered by the newspaper Público as one of the best dance shows of the year. In 2016, he was distinguished by Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa with the Silver Medal of Valor and Distinction. In 2017, António M Cabrita and São Castro created Dido and Eneias for the National Ballet Company. He was, together with São Castro, artistic director of Companhia Paulo Ribeiro, between January 2017 and December 2021. He is currently attending a Master in Choreographic Creation and Professional Practices at Escola Superior de Dança, IPL.



Dance / M6 – 70 minutes


Next presentations

Apr 30 / Teatro José Lúcio da Silva, Leiria

Sep 13 / Teatro Municipal de Gouveia


Past presentations

Nov 30, 2024 / Teatro Municipal da Covilhã

Apr 27, 2024 / Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Guimarães

Mar 8, 2024 / Teatro Aveirense

Feb 16 and 17, 2024 / Teatro Municipal do Porto

Premiere / Oct 21, 2023 / Teatro Municipal de Ourém

Concept, direction and choreography by: São Castro and António M Cabrita

Creation assistant and rehearser: Daniela Cruz

Interpreted by: Beatriz Mira, Catarina Casqueiro, Francisco Ferreira, Joana Couto,and Nuno Velosa

Interns: Ana Rita Almeida and Ana Jordão

Musical composition: Sarah Procissi

Costumes and scenography: Inês Vilas Boas

Light design: Cárin Geada

Production: Instável – Centro Coreográfico

Executive producer: Rita Santos

Coproduction: Teatro Municipal do Porto e Teatro Aveirense

Artistic residency: Teatro Viriato

With the support of: gmem-CNCM-Marseille / National Center for Musical Creation, France