© Tomás Laranjo / “On connection”, de Katarina Ilijašević e interpretação de Teresa Priano / Mostra de Jovens Criadores FAÍCC 2022

Mostra de Jovens Criadores
FAÍCC 2023

The end of this year’s edition of FAÍCC – Intensive Course in Interpretation and Choreography is celebrated, as usual, with Mostra de Jovens Criadores. This year, the 18 students in the program will publicly present 10 original creations.

Combining training moments with periods of individual research and classes in choreographic composition, participants are encouraged to explore new artistic capacities. Although it focuses on the evolutionary process, the Training is also oriented towards building a co-creation, providing, at the end of the course, the opportunity for a public presentation at Teatro Campo Alegre – where it now takes place.

Program 1 – 16:00

Tília Scott

Directed by: Beatriz Baptista and Eríc Santos
Created by: Beatriz Baptista, Eríc Santos, Rebecca Lang, Ignazio Bortot, Tiago Silva
Interpreted by: Eríc Santos, Rebecca Lang, Ignazio Bortot, Tiago Silva
Sound design: Eríc Santos

I say goodbye to my conventional way.

A deconstruction that leads to a new way of existing.

2(C2 + X1)

Created and interpreted by: Catarina Corujeira e Francisca Rodrigues
External look: Francisca Alves

An exploration of a mathematical composition and how we create our own language of material. With a very pragmatic way of building material, we also let it change through its repetition affecting our body and where to move next.

V de Vitória

Created and interpreted by: Mariana Miranda and Tiago Miguel

On a horizontal plane (planície) are counted 3 houses equidistant from the same point – a vertex. Today a twisted premiere is attempting to take that place.

Fala com a planta

Created and interpreted by: Iara António

Zamioculcas zamiifolia, from the Araceae family (popularly known as Zamioculcas or ZZ) is a plant originating in Tanzania, Africa. It adapts well to indoor, low-light environments, being tough and durable. It is also undemanding about watering.

Despite being quite resistant, some care is essential: it must be grown in preferably indoor environments with temperatures never lower than 10 degrees. The ideal temperature is above 25 degrees – however, it also adapts well to external areas, as long as there is no direct sunlight. It does not need frequent watering, a maximum of twice a week; needs soil with good drainage; it does not need pruning, as its growth is slow; when noticing that the vase is deforming, the plant must be moved to a larger vase.


Created and interpreted by: Chiara Leonardi and Mor Yaron

Home is a social and symbolic space that holds significance beyond its material aspects. It represents a social unit where individuals create and maintain their identity, relationships and sense of belonging. Homes are often associated with ideas of order, control and boundary maintenance. Through the organization of spaces, objects and rituals people establish a sense of structure and stability.

(Mary Douglas)

This performance carries questions and physical reflections about the sense of home, intended as that ephemeral non-place where we like to rest and fool around, where time is never passing.


Program 2 – 18:00

Fabula Material

Created and interpreted by: Ignazio Bortot and Rebecca Lång

This piece can be about entering a world of objects; from the perspective of the stories they carry. We are taken by the poetry of the unfunctional present, and listen to the songs of the broken past.

10 years in 10 minutes

Created and interpreted by: Jule Fuchs and Emilia Parol

What if in the afterlife you relive all your experiences, but this time with the events reshuffled into a new order: all the moments that share a quality are grouped together. You spend six days clipping your nails. Fifteen months looking for lost items. Eighteen months waiting in line. Two days tying shoelaces. Two weeks wondering what happens when you die. And 10 years playing games to distract yourself from boredom.


Created and interpreted by: Ana Jordão e Inês Freitas
Sound design: Inês Freitas

Connected by a thread that binds them together, creating a complex and intricate world of who one is. Constantly impacting each other, even if sometimes unaware of who’s the one in control.


Created by: Roxana Suárez da Costa and Charlotte Zeidler
Interpreted by: Roxana Suárez da Costa, Charlotte Zeidler, Beatriz Baptista, Iara António and Jule Fuchs
Music: Lights One Music
Costumes: Ophelias
In collaboration with: Clara Trigo and Ornella Trespidi

Inspired by the flower monologue in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, in which Ophelia intensely expresses her pain over her father’s death, we see the character freeing herself from her creator. In a world dominated by masculinity, the path to rescue it emerges from within, inviting us to explore the depths of the vital force that permeates our inner world, regardless of its external manifestations, where countless Ophelias inhabit. And will she not return?

Rosemary   Pansy   Fennel   Columbine   Daisy   Violet

O Homem Nuvem

Created and interpreted by: Miguel Mendes Brás

Dragging through another day.
Fighting for a few more bucks.
Wasting time and energy to feed… me?
An individual who lives on a routine, a routine that lives in a cycle, a cycle that without problems has no life. And the rules? Who creates them?

Dance, M/6


Jul 14 and 15 / Sala Café Teatro

This year’s creations are divided into two sessions, at 16PM,and 18PM, on both days

Free admission. Tickets are available on the same day at BOL or at the TCA ticket office.

Created and interpreted by: Ana Jordão, Beatriz Baptista, Catarina Corujeira, Charlotte Zeidler, Chiara Leonardi, Emilia Parol, Eríc Santos, Francisca Rodrigues, Iara António Pacheco, Ignazio Bortot, Inês Freitas, Jule Fuchs, Mariana Coelho, Miguel Mendes Brás, Mor Yaron, Rebecca Lång, Roxana Suárez and Tiago Silva

Technical direction: José Alves

Production: Rita Tavares

Production support: Loduvica Andrenacci, Luis de Oliveira and the students from Instável’s Production Course

Trainers and mentors: Ana Figueira, Catarina Miranda, Daniela Cruz, Luis Mestre, Joclécio Azevedo and Raul Maia