“HABITAR-me”, by Inés Santos, Julien Pinoteau and Ilyas Chaoui

Inés Santos, Julien Pinoteau and Ilyas Chaoui
Palcos Instáveis / Coproduction with Teatro Municipal do Porto

What does it mean to inhabit a space? What does the habitability of a space mean? And uninhabitability? On stage, a dancer explores these questions through movement, weaving her lines in space. Your body, in constant transformation, interacts with the elements, modifying them and being modified by them. The space becomes alive, marked by the natural decay of time. Somewhere between architecture and nature, the show invites the viewer to reflect on evolution, deterioration and the way we inhabit our bodies and our environment.

Inés Santos is a Galician actress and dancer trained in physical theater and contemporary dance at various schools in Spain and Portugal. As co-founder of the company Mevadeus, she explores the arts of movement. Her work has been recognized with some awards, including second prize at the Certamen Choreographic de Compostela and first prize at Xuventude Crea. Currently, she is focused on the project “TRANSPARENTAR”, which investigates the intersection between dance, performance and spatial dynamics.

Julien Pinoteau, an architecture student about to finish his degree, is originally from Paris. He studied at the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Lille and in Guimarães, where he developed a passion for geometry and the transformation of existing buildings and situations through innovative design. Currently completing his final internship at an architecture studio in Porto, he also explores alternative approaches to architecture, including scenic design and performing arts.

Dance, M6 – duration TBD

architecture – environment – ​​performance


Jan 31 and Feb 1 / Grande Auditório do TCA

Original piece by: Inés Santos, Julien Pinoteau and Ilyas Chaoui

Coproduction: Instável – Centro Coreográfico and Teatro Municipal do Porto*

Interpreted by: Inés Santos

Scenography and technical: Julien Pinoteau

Technical: Javier Castiñeira

Music composition: Lois Mourae


* Within the scope of Palcos Instáveis