“A SENSE OF”, by Beatriz Lourenço

Beatriz Lourenço
Palcos Instáveis / Coproduction with Teatro Municipal do Porto

In A SENSE OF the audience is invited to co-create a space, where collective power and dreaming are used as modes of protest. Focusing on environmental issues, in this show the roles of audience and performer are transformed and, through the construction of an interactive installation, it is possible to dream of a non-hierarchical, ecological and inclusive community. SENSE OF is a place where you travel from excess to sustainable and yearn for a different future.

Beatriz Lourenço is a choreographer, dancer, performer and handpoke artist, based in Porto.
She has a master’s degree in Cultural Studies and Management from ISCTE – IUL, a degree in Dance from ESD – IPL and also completed FAÍCC dance training.
Investigates the body as a means of communication and transformation, through creative processes, light on the planet and close to the public. Her work also has a strong connection with painting, due to its relationship with movement and space.

Dance, M14 – duration TBD

sustainability – power – collective – installation


Mar 28 and 29 / Sala Estúdio do TCA


In this piece, Beatriz Lourenço distributes small pamphlets with tasks to the audience, encouraging their participation in the performance.

Concept and choreography: Beatriz Lourenço

Performance: Beatriz Lourenço

Sculpture: Nuno Serrano Galego

Movement assistance and external eye: Marta João

Lighting design: Guilherme Mota

Sound design: Francisco Monteiro

Costumes: Joana de Meneses Correia and Beatriz Lourenço

Photography and communication design: Rita Pereira

Coproduction: Instável – Centro Coreográfico and Teatro Municipal do Porto*

Support: Instável – Centro Coreográfico and Teatro Municipal do Porto*; A PiSCiNa, ciclo Cápsula; Sekoia – Artes Performativas, Artists’ Shelter; Espaço Agra.


* Within the scope of Palcos Instáveis